Keynote Speakers

Prof. Hassan ZAHOUANI
University of Lyon, Laboratory of Tribology and Dynamics of Systems CNRS– ECL- ENTPE, Lyon – France

Prof. Hassan ZAHOUANI
University of Lyon, Laboratory of Tribology and Dynamics of Systems CNRS– ECL- ENTPE, Lyon – France
Hassan Zahouani is a Professor at the National School of Engineers of Saint-Etienne (internal school of the Ecole Centrale de Lyon) since 1991 (Exceptional Class 1 & 2). He is an Associate Professor at the University of Halmstad and President of the Francophone Society of Engineering and Skin Imaging. In 2022 he was ranked by the American University Stanford as one of the 160,000 most cited researchers in the world. In 2023 he was designated as a Fellow of the Carnot Institute in Lyon, for the expertise acquired worldwide in the mechanics and imaging of living tissues.
His research work within the Laboratory of Tribology and Dynamics of Systems concerns the contact mechanics of rough surfaces and their implications in the various fields of tribology, archeology, and health. The development of the concept of multi-scale characterization of surface topography by continuous wavelets has been the subject of several publications and international conferences, on industrial issues that are still topical, such as surface finishing, lapping, wear, and the identification of relevant scales in the field of traceology in archaeology, the complexity of biological surfaces.
Since 2000, he has initiated an innovative axis of research concerning bioengineering and multi-scale imaging of living tissues. The scientific challenge in the issue of living organisms is to comprehend the key mechanical role of the fascia, which is the fibrillar membrane supporting all living tissues. This connective tissue is considered today one of the most important and complex sensory organs of the human body. The creation of the Bioengineering and Perception platform within the LTDS has been at the origin of several innovations and patents for the objectification of viscoelastic palpation (UnderSkin©) of skin pathologies and touch by the TouchyFinger© device. This activity has initiated many industrial and academic collaborations in France and internationally.
The development of multi-scale imaging for the analysis and quantification of biophysical markers of tissue sublayers has been the subject of the development of new multi-scale approaches for the diagnosis and quantification of descriptors of internal tension forces of the different layers of living tissue (LC-OCT tomography, two-photon confocal tomography, high-resolution ultrasound echography, etc.).
Particular attention has been paid to the superficial fascia that envelops the living tissue. Fascia is the fundamental connective tissue in human life (80th Organ of our Body). It is a fibro-elastic membrane that envelops the entire human anatomical structure. It is, thus, accepted that our body is a fibrillar network from the skin's surface to the depths of the bone and the cells. Everything is linked by a fibrillar organization whose diameter is extremely variable but continuous in the terms of the mechanics of continuums. Fascia wraps the skin, muscles, nerves, bones, blood vessels, lymphatic system, arteries, spinal cord, brain, and organs. Hereditary diseases of the connective tissue or collagenopathies group together diseases by mutation of one of the genes encoding collagen. The main manifestations are abnormalities in the bones, joints, skin, vessels, waist, or face. The fascia defined as supporting tissue is probably the source of the natural tension forces of all our human tissues. For skin tissue, the effect of the tension forces of the connective tissue fibrillar network is visible on the skin surface topography as a network of tension forces from head to foot. One of the challenges of our current research is to understand Fascia mechano-transduction through the development of mechanobiology coupled with high-resolution imaging. This transduction mechanism is the basis of all human senses, its understanding in tactile perception is a fundamental and multidisciplinary subject, especially in the analysis of tactile comfort by tribo-transduction which by friction and vibration stimulates the cutaneous mechanoreceptors in a wide range of frequencies.
- Associate Professor at Halmstad University
- President of the French Society of Engineering and skin imaging (created since 1999)
- Ranking by the American University Stanford as one of the 160,000 most cited researchers in the world (2022).
- Designation as a Fellow of the Carnot Institute in Lyon, for the expertise acquired worldwide in the mechanobiology and imaging of living tissues (2023).
- Founding Member of the International Journal Surface Topography
- Member of the editorial board of the journal surface topography
- Member of the steering committee of the Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces Conference
- Chairman of six international conferences
- Best Paper Award. “H. Zahouani & al, Effect of roughness on vibration of human finger during a friction test”. 19th International Conference on WEAR OF MATERIALS. Portland, Oregon, USA. April 14-18, 2013
- Prize for the best paper awarded by the International Society of Bioengineering and Imaging of skin: “H. Zahouani & al, Maturation of skin tension in newborns: Characterization and modeling”. San Diego. June 2018,
- Innovation award for the TouchyFinger© device by the international jury of Cosmetic Valley, 2021
- President of the humanitarian association for the rural population of Morocco “Treatment of the Eye and Skin”
Keynote title: Surface topography and multi-physics functionality of engineering and living surfaces
For many years, some engineers believed that smooth surfaces are better for contact and friction. Several events changed this view, one very dramatically. It happened in 1930 when Bentley engines, which were manufactured with exceptionally smooth cylinder walls, seized up during the Le Mans 24-hour race. There followed a concerted effort to better understand the role of surface texture and to quantify it in ways that were meaningful to manufacturing. Initially, optical microscopes were employed to provide a magnified view of surface characteristics. Again, measurement was comparative and somewhat subjective, but the various degrees of magnification and the differing fields of view afforded led to the concept of sampling lengths and frequency that are central to surface analysis today. Other early efforts to capture information about a surface utilized a trace stylus and a mechanical “amplifier” which used linkage to replicate the trace onto a smoked glass surface.
In 1933, E. J. Abbot developed what is widely believed to have been the first analog surface instrument. This used a stylus to contact the part and provided an actual number to quantify texture. Abbot also co-developed the Abbot-Firestone curve. This used a simple curve to represent the surface and made contact area the basis of the curve, allowing the calculation of a material-to-air ratio as a function of depth. This was the first instrument to link form with function in a numerical manner simple enough to quantify a surface and help control manufacturing processes.
Metrologists today often categorize the data from a measured surface into three categories-roughness, waviness and form. Shorter wavelength data tends to reflect surface roughness characteristics imposed by machining operations, such as turning, grinding or polishing. Waviness involves longer wavelength data and might reflect instabilities in the machining process, such as imbalance in a grinding wheel or worn spindle bearings. Long wavelength data tends to reflect errors, such as lack of straightness in the guideways of a machine or misalignment of machine axes.
The whole history of engineering surfaces can be presented in the form of bands of wavelengths or spatial frequencies. International standards have defined the wavelength bands of surface roughness, waviness, and shape. This spatial information has been at the origin of the development of digital filters based on signal and image processing tools, operating by signal decomposition. The most famous is the Fourier transform (1807). Joseph Fourier defined the time-frequency duality, which is for surface topography, the length and the spatial frequency. This major transform has been used in all areas of physics and dimensional metrology. To improve frequency localization, wavelet analysis appeared in its “modern forms” at the beginning of the 1980s, in a remarkable article by Alex Grossman and Jean Morlet. One of the essential points that this decomposition teaches us is that a mathematical object (whether it is a function, a signal, an image, an operator…) can be represented in multiple ways, each of these representations making it possible to emphasize certain characteristics. in the modern characterization of surface topography, this tool performs multi-resolution analyzes and the development of multi-scale microscopy. The decomposition by continuous wavelets is a powerful tool for the comparison of images in a large-scale (roughness, undulation and shape), as well as the study of aging and wear of inert or living surfaces.
For a better understanding of surface topography, Fourier and continue wavelet transform tools, will be illustrated in this work by applications in several areas of surface functionality, contact mechanics and friction modelling. The recourse to the mathematical morphology and to the fractal character of surfaces, offers a new way of studying new parameters which allow the cohesive character of the topography and its use in the analysis of the aging of surfaces and their wear in various fields.

Prof. Hisham ABDEL-AAL
Science Consultant at Energy Technology Group Charlotte, NC – USA

Prof. Hisham ABDEL-AAL
Science Consultant at Energy Technology Group Charlotte, NC – USA
Hisham Abdel-Aal obtained his first degree in Mechanical Engineering from Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt in 1984, and his Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte USA in 1998. Dr. Abdel-Aal held several faculty positions in several universities around the world. These included a research Professorship at Arts et Métier ParisTech in France where he initiated efforts of biomimetics and bio-inspired design of surfaces. His research expertise falls within the broad field of tribology, surface characterization, and manufacturing. His current research interests focus on sustainable design of functional surfaces and bio-inspired functional grading for additive manufacturing. Dr Abdel-Aal is the author or co-author of more than 100 research papers and book chapters and three books. He has lectured extensively on the subjects of tribology, surfaces and sustainable manufacturing
Keynote title: Metrological structure of Bio-locomotor surfaces: the role of surface design in achieving economy of effort
Efficient performance of surfaces in bio-locomotion is the result of customized dynamic interaction between surface and subsurface layers. This translates into a targeted path of integrating the functional profile of the metrological features of the locomotor surfaces and the mechanical properties of the padding sub-layers. The pivotal element that enables such an optimized interaction is customization of feature metrology and targeted functional grading of sublayer materials. The presentation provides a novel view of the functional features of locomotor surfaces of different biological species and how the interaction between the metrological features and subsurface property customization can benefit tailoring technological surfaces.

Prof. Mitjan KALIN
University of Ljubljana, Laboratory for tribology and interface nanotechnology, Ljubljana – Slovenia

Prof. Mitjan KALIN
University of Ljubljana, Laboratory for tribology and interface nanotechnology, Ljubljana – Slovenia
Dr Kalin’s areas of research are the wear and friction mechanisms of advanced materials, nanoscale interface phenomena, and boundary films for novel green-lubrication technologies, as well as topography phenomena for real contact area. He has given about 60 invited lectures world-wide and has published over 180 peer-reviewed journal papers, 3 books and holds 11 patents, including USA and EU patents. In his career he has led 40 large, 3-year projects, half of them international. He also collaborated in industrial projects with renowned global companies in Europe, Japan and the USA in over 150 R&D projects. He has received several awards, including the ASME Burt L. Newkirk Award (2006) and Fellow of STLE (2012). He is a member of International Engineering Academy and Slovenian Academy of Engineering. Since 2012 he serves as the Editor of Lubrication Science. He is a Full Professor and was a Dean at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana (2017-2021), where he is also the Head of the Laboratory for Tribology and Interface Nanotechnology. He is also elected the Executive Board Member and Deputy President of the International Tribology Council (ITC).
Keynote title: Importance of surface properties for real contact area formation
Real contact area is very important property in engineering contacts, however, reliable models to determine it do not exist. Moreover, even estimations on its value are usually poorly assumed as there is a clear lack of experimental evidence with sufficient precision. Recent studies with sub-micron of lateral resolution have shown that relatively small real contact area (10-25 %) carry the load even under loads as high as the yield strength. However, the values and evolution of the real contact area greatly depend on surface topography and material properties. Accordingly, the mechanisms responsible for high load-carrying capacity are different. This work shows the elastic and plastic deformation contributions at the multi-asperity real surfaces, depending on surface roughness characteristics, at various loads up to a nominal yield strength. The results elucidate why the contacting asperities are able to carry the load that resulted in as much as a 4–10-times-higher contact asperity pressure than the (initial) bulk yield strength. It is proposed that for the rough surfaces this is due to the work-hardening, while for the smooth surfaces the dominant mechanisms are the work-hardening combined with the hydrostatic bulk stresses.

Product & Application Sales Specialist at ZEISS Group, Industrial Quality & Research department, Rueil-Malmaison – France

Product & Application Sales Specialist at ZEISS Group, Industrial Quality & Research department, Rueil-Malmaison – France
Frank Thibault is working for ZEISS for 20 years. After completing a diploma in physics measurement, he started working in the metrology field with coordinate measurement machines. He was the technical manager of the ZEISS quality excellence center for addressing customers with service and contract measurement. He used to be a trainer for metrology and inspection software and an Aukom trainer for 15 years. He started working with X-Ray in 2008, and since then he had the role of developing this activity for ZEISS France. Today, he is a product & application sales specialist for X-ray business in the area of France, Switzerland, and Maghreb for the Industrial Quality & Research division of ZEISS. His role is to address customers' challenges with X-ray solutions by linking applications and sales to reach customers’ targets.
Keynote title: Importance of quality control in industry and its challenges for tomorrow
Nowadays, the industry is facing a major revolution as part of climate change by experiencing a transformation through digitalization, connectivity, and artificial intelligence. ZEISS is part of this revolution with its inspection and quality control solutions. Optical scanners and Computed Tomography systems allow optimization of manufacturing processes via digital twins, fine-tuning of simulation, monitoring and driving quality of production, and accelerating time to market of new products. All this while reducing the amount and cost of scrap. The most sustainable product is indeed the one not manufactured, especially for scrap.
Coordinate measuring machines directly interact with manufacturing machines in a closed loop in order to produce parts with no defects. Measurement data are traced, analyzed, filtered, and backed up to the production, providing correction to the tools. This process can avoid easier and quicker liberation of bad parts and allows adding value and energy consumption in efficient ways.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the next step of this revolution by contributing to quicker and more reliable decisions with the help of more relevant data. AI is already present in the key steps of the manufacturing process: advanced reconstruction algorithms are used in tomography to decrease acquisition time, increase image quality, and thus help for segmentation and getting more valuable and reliable analysis. AI is also part of critical decisions by sorting good and bad parts. AI is also used for the classification of defects.
It can be clearly seen that controlling quality requires powerful hardware and software tools that should be more connected and more intuitive. ZEISS, with innovation as DNA, plays already a major role in this transformation to improve and optimize manufacturing processes by developing complete solutions of inspection and control to help customers meet these new challenges.

M. Olivier MACHET
Senior Vice President Development ENGIE Hydrogen Business Unit, Paris – France

M. Olivier MACHET
Senior Vice President Development ENGIE Hydrogen Business Unit, Paris – France
Affiliation: Senior Vice President Development ENGIE Hydrogen Business Unit, Paris – France
Olivier Machet is Senior Vice President Development at ENGIE Hydrogen International. His mission is to develop the business solution on green hydrogen through an innovative and disruptive approach. He is currently leading a major green hydrogen projects in France among which Masshylia: a green hydrogen project lead with “Total Energies” in the South of France (120MW) and CCU projects for efuel production. Olivier has a long experience in gas sector: 15 years at ENGIE as Technical Director and Underground storage director. He holds an Executive MBA from HEC Paris, and an engineering degree from the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs”. He also holds an engineering degree in Civil Construction and completed his research thesis (DEA) in Construction and Urban Design.
Keynote title: How to accelerate Green Hydrogen Project: Some metrological challenges
Hydrogen will be one of the key vectors for achieving the objectives of decarbonization and carbon neutrality. Thus, the dynamic of hydrogen continues to accelerate with more than 1,000 projects requiring 320 billion dollars announced worldwide; even if only 10% of investment volumes have passed the FID. The development and industrialization of these first projects are crucial for the success of the sector.
Engie actively participates in this development through its involvement in massive H2 production projects around the world.
The first feedback shows the importance of mastering:
- The electrolyzer brick, its performance, reliability and durability
- Safety integration of all equipment: electrolysis, transformer, water treatment, hydrogen purification
- Good electricity sourcing (costs, renewable origin – nuclear – market, duration of contracts and its traceability)
- Good safety management of workshops, in preventive, active and monitoring mode,
- Control of the process and production, metering and gas quality

Managing Director at STIL MARPOSS, Aix-en-Provence – France

Managing Director at STIL MARPOSS, Aix-en-Provence – France
Affiliation: Managing Director at STIL MARPOSS, Aix-en-Provence – France
Cosimi Corleto, CEO of the STIL company, represents this French industrial know-how. The company is positioned in a future market by showing an innovative and evolutive technology. STIL proposes its skills and mastery in the field of high-performance optical instrumentation, with measurement sensors that are always more efficient and precise; to which are added products designed on demand for all types of activity sectors (semi-conductor, aeronautics, watchmaking, etc...).
Keynote title: SMART Sensors for Sustainable Manufacturing
Deep knowledge of surface roughness is becoming a key parameter for improving productivity in the metal-cutting industry. The future of manufacturing will be driven by the need for sustainable production to reduce footprint (Material waste & CO2 emissions).
Until now roughness measurement was mainly performed in a Metrology room with a conventional roughness machine based on contact measurement by using a stylus. That information is useful after the process to check the conformity of metal parts. However, it could be more efficient to get that roughness data earlier in the process itself to directly monitor production parameters.
STIL & MSMP laboratory demonstrated in 2021 (via a PhD project) that roughness value gives a signature of the overall machine tool performance. The knowledge of roughness is deeply associated with machine tool parameters as well as tool wear, environmental conditions, and part material.
Thanks to a specific sensor technology developed by STIL, it is now possible to measure easily the roughness of various materials without contact and directly next to or even inside the machine tool. The same technology, when associated with a specific camera and dedicated AI software, could also enable the early identification of tool wear defects.
Changing the manufacturing paradigm is a challenge but today it is becoming more achievable thanks to technology innovation.
Reducing the footprint of manufacturing industries will be even more efficient in the future when a combination of technologies based on smart sensors, IOT, IA, Blockchain, Edge & Cloud Computing will come together in the market via combined hardware devices associated with a new technology platform (MARS EU project).